Technology Advisor

We know technology

Moblie devices, Cloud, Internet providers, hardware, software, networks...... Technology exists in nearly all areas of our lives and business. Many are advertising benefits that look to match your needs.

With our in-depth consultation and on site visits; we will know your goals and company vision. With that information we can negotiate with techy people whose language we speak. Once we have vetted the technology and provider; we clearly communicate the benefits to your company and our recommendation on how to proceed.


Service Insights

Sounding board

Through everyone's personal networks; news travels fast. When you hear about a new technology and you're wondering how it works and if it would be a good fit for your company we'll sit down with you and get your thoughts then go to work on finding everything out about it. Once we have a solid understanding we will come back to you with a report on our findings and our recommendation.

Sounding board

Cost Savings

Much time has been invested into researching technologies and determining if they will provide enough benefit to implement. Then comes the cost of the solution. Are there other competing technologies that could provide the same benefit? Is there a cost difference? If so at what expense?

Being devoted to technologies for all our customers means we see A LOT of vendors / companies who provide similar services. We have the experience to know if you are getting the right technology for your company at the right price.

Cost Savings

Technology insights

Technologies are continually evolving and new ones on the horizon. All of them vying for a space in your business. What benefit would they provide? Is it going to be worth the money? If there are competing technologies how do they stack up and which provides the best benefit/cost ratio.

We are constantly looking at current and new technologies for all our customers. This gives us a unique position of researching and employing new technologies that may not cross your radar. As we get to know your business we will provide information on which technologies we see that your company would benefit from.

Technology insights


What to expect

Services we employ to keep your company and users safe and productive



Let us help you stay focused on your core business!

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Services That We Provide

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Phone - Voice Over IP
Traveling, working from home, or in the office; you can have 1 phone number that works wherever you are.
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Site Support
From software and hardware, in the office and in the field; we support all your technologies and users
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On Premise, Cloud, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, Virtual Machine. We can advise you on the best option for your core business and complete the integration
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